The 2016 ON-STAGE team is now sorting out the nearly 200 entries we have received for this year's festival, and we will be contacting those lucky performers who we welcome to the stage this year! If you we are not able to place you on the stage this year, please know that we will be working hard to ensure that you can perform at one of our many other events throughout the year! Please follow us on Twitter, Facebook or join our Mailing List for the latest updates and more!
2016 INFO:
If you are a musician, slam poet, writer, dancer, singer, rapper, or just generally want to show Edmonton what ya got, give us a shout with your name and contact info, as well as a bit of info about what you do.
You have until April 18th to send us a message to show that you want to perform on the main stage at this year's Heart of the City Festival on June 4 & 5. You will hear back from us by April 22, and auditions will be held Saturday, April 30 from 1-3pm.
Please note that because we are adding some new and exciting art-forms to our stage this year, we can not guarantee that all applicants will get a spot on the stage. We do, however, have other events throughout the year that we can bring performers to that did not get a chance to play on the main stage this year. Also, this year we will be giving priority to performers who have not been on our main stage in the past.