Learn how you can help make this another awesome year!
We are having a Volunteer Orientation at the Parkdale Cromdale Community League, (11335 85 St) on Wednesday May 27th at 7:30PM. There we can finalize your schedules, answer any questions you may have and talk about the festival. The meeting should be short and sweet. Everyone is welcome and there will be snacks! :) If you can't make the meeting but still want to help, please get back to us with your availability as soon as possible. You can reach us by e-mail hotcvolunteer@gmail.com or you can get in touch over Facebook. Don't be shy! There's a job for everyone. We need volunteers for the Art Tent, Security/Site Environment, Info Booth, and the Green Room. Also we need helpers for Set-Up on Friday June 5th and Tear-Down immediately following the festival on Sunday evening.