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Oral Storytelling - 11am, June 6

Join us at 11 am Sunday June 6 for a free writing workshop with Lady Vanessa Cardona.

In this workshop, led by Lady Vannessa Cardona, we will look at the importance of spoken word. We will explore why we share orally, how traditionally nations, tribes, and communities have gathered to share stories for thousands of years. We will discuss the importance of oral storytelling and how it brings people together, how stories warn us, guide us, and gives us hope.

In this workshop, we might be asked to create a whole new story together or share our stories. We might be called to create Shadow Puppet Theatre or learn other tools that can be used and learned to share our stories, tools that stimulate all or more than one sense at a time, not just the sense of hearing.

My name is Lady Vanessa, yo soy Caleña, Colombia. I am the 2018 ‘Canadian’ Individual poetry slam champion. I am a former youth mentor of “Newcomers are Lit”. I am a playwright, author, and performer of the play “Three Ladies” and co-creator of “Whiteface.” I am the Founder of Sinergia, Fiesta y Resistencia and “Remix the Ritual”- A Hip Hop theatre collective.


Meeting ID: 840 4261 8516

Passcode: Hotc

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